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Lunch & Nutrition

Lunch Program

As per EPS (Edmonton Public Schools) Board Policy HH.BP and Administrative Regulations HH.AR, Kildare School offers a supervised lunch program for whose parents require it, for a reasonable fee (see Lunch Registration Form). The students who eat lunch at school are supervised by Lunchroom Supervisors, who also provide indoor and outdoor supervision for those students during the lunch time.

Parents are reminded to ensure that their child brings an adequate nutritious lunch to eat at school. 

Kildare School agrees to provide an adult supervised eating area from 11:33 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. where students may bring their lunch. At 11:53 am. all lunch students will be expected to go outside with the supervisors until 12:15 pm.

A fee of $2.00 per day, payable in advance, will be charged for occasional lunch students. The lunch fees are as follows:

Per Student

$195.00 per year

Per Student

$19.50 per month

The money collected for the lunchroom is used to pay for the following costs in accordance with EPS Administrative Regulations:

  • Lunch workers’ wages
  • Lunch coordinators’ wages

It is understood that the supervised eating area is not a part of the regular school program. Eating lunch at school will be considered a PRIVILEGE, which can and will be revoked should a child fail to behave in a manner appropriate to a school setting as determined by the school administration.

Cooperation, respect and consideration for others will be required at all times.

Failure to comply with lunchroom guidelines will, on the first offense, result in the student being excluded from eating his/her lunch for a period of time as determined by the administration. A second offense will result in exclusion from lunch at school for a longer period of time. Should a third offense occur, the student will be excluded from the privilege of eating lunch at school for a period of time to be determined by the school administration and the parent will be required to make out-of-school arrangements for the child for lunch.

Please note that elementary students are not to leave the school property, such as going home with another student for lunch, unless parents provide a note to the homeroom teacher prior to the student leaving the school. Also, students who are attending the lunch program are not allowed to eat out of the school building, such as in the park or on the picnic tables, as there is no supervision outside.